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Purposeful People Inc. is the only Wyoming based Employment Network/EN and we are here to assist you with your Social Security Ticket to Work.

What is Ticket to Work?

The Ticket to Work program is a federal government initiative designed to help Social Security disability beneficiaries transition to work and achieve financial independence.

It provides beneficiaries with access to employment support services, vocational rehabilitation services, and other resources that can help them find and maintain gainful employment.

Key Benefits

One of the key benefits of the Employment Network program is that it allows beneficiaries to maintain their connection to Social Security while they are working, so they can ease into employment without fear of losing their safety net. This includes being able to maintain your Medicare or Medicaid health insurance as you will not subject to medical reviews while using your Ticket to Work.



Why you should use
Purposeful People
as your
Employment Network

  • You are on track to earn $1,050/month. Trial Work Period/TWP

  • You need assistance with career development

  • You have concerns about losing your Medicare or Medicaid health insurance

  • You want to be more financially independent

  • You might need job retention supports


For success, attitude is equally as important

as ability.


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