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We strive to find the right fit for our clients.

An important part of our work is building employment paths, not dead ends! Many jobs provide upward mobility with increased skill and practice, and it's our goal to help our clients learn to evaluate those paths. We strive to match job-seekers with their areas of interest; we do not rely on outdated stereotypes for job-seekers with disabilities or limited employment experience. We strongly believe a fulfilling life is a life of purpose. Here are some of the places we've successfully matched our job-seekers:




restaurants and travel plazas

fiberglass shop

drywall and painting business

grocery stores

greenhouse/plant care

electrical and welding trades

dog groomer

creative trades


Nothing is impossible, the word itself says ‘I’m possible’!


Purposeful People, Inc. works with parents seeking vocational rehabilitation services for their children, teens and young adults, and adults with disabilities. Would you or someone you know be a good fit for our job placement services?

Young man out working in the garden
A Man Welding
Two women bathing a dog
Portrait Of Engineers And Apprentices In
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